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are reverse osmosis water filters effective?

by:Lvyuan Filter     2021-01-21
I can\'t seem to fully understand all the excitement of these domestic reverse osmosis water devices.
I think it may be because people don\'t usually fully understand how the reverse osmosis system works.
Let me help you to better understand if one of the filters really fits you.
I can almost tell you now that unless you have inherited farmland or recently bought a cabin in the mountains, the chances of benefiting from the purchase of various reverse osmosis water units are very small.
In fact, everyone has access to services through water treatment facilities.
The equipment used by well-meaning people in your local water treatment plant can only give you all the advantages of the home reverse osmosis system in a larger range.
They are trying to provide you with all the quality they may provide.
So why is it still not safe to drink the water they have treated?
It is not safe to drink, because even in factory scale, reverse osmosis water devices are not safe, not designed at all to allow them to handle the various types of contaminants present in our water supply sources today.
They are just beautified particle cleaners, not water purifiers.
The original reverse osmosis system was mainly designed to provide industrial factories that required it.
Mineral water.
For example, to prevent faults and expensive repairs, they are used to prevent the accumulation of minerals in expensive water boilers.
It was originally introduced as a water purification system in the late 19th century and did a good job of protecting people from water-borne diseases that took many lives away at that time,, if these reverse osmosis water devices are to really protect the people, more is needed.
In 1908, reverse osmosis water devices in Chicago, Illinois changed, and when chlorine disinfection was introduced into water treatment, this was to further avoid parasites and bacteria that caused a large number of deaths.
But now we have to deal with chlorine.
Reverse osmosis systems cannot prevent chlorine in a liquefied state from flowing into the homes of ordinary citizens because they are only intended to block particulate contaminants.
These units allow water to pass through with other things of equal or less weight and consistency.
This makes it clear to you that the reverse osmosis water unit is simply not qualified to protect your family from the thousands of liquid chemical contaminants that are now lurking in our waters.
If you want to keep these impurities away from your child\'s glass, you need to find a way to replace the reverse osmosis system.
This technology can be found in many home water purification systems to effectively protect your family from these poisons.
So, I suggest you look at this as a better choice.
The reverse osmosis water unit is not the answer to your pollution problem at all.
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