
Lvyuan Industrial Filtration Solution

Equipment Retrofit Extends Filter Replacement Time

by:Lvyuan      2022-04-27
Equipment modification can prolong the replacement time of filter element. The reverse osmosis device is one of the core devices in the water vapor process, and its stable operation is related to the stable operation of the entire chemical water treatment process, boiler system and subsequent processes. The security filter is the key equipment to ensure the safe and stable operation of the reverse osmosis device. The replacement time of the filter element should be 1 to 3 months. If the replacement time is less than 1 month, it means that there is a problem in the system, which will affect the service life of the reverse osmosis membrane. Stable operation brings potential hazards. The replacement cycle of the filter element has not reached the minimum level of 1 month required by the design before, the excessive dosage of oxidant, the unreasonable design of the security filter, and the poor anti-scaling effect of the scale inhibitor are the three main reasons for the short replacement time of the filter element. In response to these problems, corresponding preventive measures have been taken. First of all, in the normal production process, the dosage of sodium bisulfite is strictly controlled, and the non-oxidizing bactericide is continuously injected online. Subsequently, the filter was modified and replaced with a filter with 60 filter elements inside, and a fixed pattern plate and an anti-extrusion device were added. The dosage of antiscalants in the reverse osmosis system was calculated. After adding the scale inhibitor to the system, the water quality barrier caused by the water quality to the reverse osmosis membrane is effectively alleviated, thereby improving the water production efficiency of the reverse osmosis system, reducing the cleaning frequency, prolonging the service life of the membrane, and reducing energy consumption, thereby reducing the overall system. operating costs. Product related keywords: pp filter element, 3M-CUNO filter element, Shenyang filter element Recommended articles: Lvyuan teaches you little knowledge of water purifier filter element
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