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Filter manufacturers talk a activated carbon filter working principle and function of

by:Lvyuan Filter     2021-01-25
Filter manufacturers talk a activated carbon filter working principle and functions of the

filter factory introduction to working principle of the activated carbon filter, activated carbon has very strong adsorption capacity, in the water by activated carbon and its full contact, pollutants in raw water by activated carbon adsorption, make raw water purified water purification. Activated carbon filter in to ensure good contact with raw water with activated carbon, and not the speed of the water is too high. Otherwise, purify the effect is not good.

filter factory introduction to activated carbon filter working principle of adsorption principle of activated carbon filter is generally in the form a layer of the surface of the balance on the surface of particle concentration, in general the smaller the activated carbon particles, the greater the filter area. Activated carbon particle size on adsorption capacity is also influenced by this factor. But at the same time, powdered activated carbon with easily in the water into the tank is difficult to control, so in this way, little powdered activated carbon with a total area of the largest, best adsorption effect, even if again good filter to also want to pay attention to the regular maintenance and maintenance. Clean or replace the filter regularly to ensure the normal play of its function level.

introduction to the role of activated carbon filter cartridge manufacturer, according to the international water purification experts cinno ooze water purifier brand controller introduces, activated carbon filter has excellent efficiency in purifying drinking water, can not only remove yixiu, peculiar smell, also the water turbidity, chromaticity, iron, phenol, F, As, Hg, Al, CHCl3, significantly reduce CCl4, residual chlorine, etc.

today to share with you here oh, think of my article is good, can collect and share your companions, for further consultation or buy, can open our fine filtration company's official website: http://www. jinglv。 Net /, I will also interact with all the friends, learn together. Our company mainly produces: activated carbon filter, PP filter, wire wound filter, etc.

fine filtration in dongguan electronic technology co. , LTD.

the company's website: http://www. jinglv。 net/

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