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how much money can i save with a water filter?

by:Lvyuan Filter     2021-01-21
Cost comparison: bottled water and water filters most health information resources have the same advice on water: you should drink about eight cups (64 ounces)per day [
SOURCE: Mayo Clinic.
For a family of four, this day adds up to 2 gallons.
When your water comes from 12-
An ounce of plastic bottles can cost too much.
Suppose you pay about $6 per tank of water (
Remember, more water can be imported)
, Equal to $0. 40 per bottle.
For a family of four, this is equivalent to the cost of $0 per year.
40x5 per bottle.
3 bottles per person = $2.
13x4 people = $8. 53 x 365 (days in a year)= $3,114.
67 now, let\'s compare it to the cost of using a water filter.
There are many different types of water filters, but for simplicity we will use basic water tanks
Style system, retail price is about $20, need a new filter every 40 gallons [source: Brita].
A family of four needs to replace its water filter 18.
25 times a year, the cost is about $6.
$50 per filter, equivalent to $119.
Water bottles of $12 per family member will reach $96 per year.
The cost of running water should also be considered, which will cost about $1.
50 barrels per 1,000 gallons in the United StatesS.
A family of four consumes about 730 gallons of water each year (
365 days/year, 2 gallons per day)
Equivalent to $1. 10.
So, the total cost of using a pitcher-
The style water filtration system of the family of four is: $119 (filters)+ $96 (water bottles)+ $20 (pitcher)+ $1. 10 (
Water in the faucet)= $236.
This means a family of four can save $3,114. 67-$236. 10 = $2,878.
57 switch from bottled water to water filter every year.
When you think most tap water is safe in the United StatesS.
, You can save an additional $235 per year by completely skipping bottles and filters, reducing the total annual drinking water cost to $1 for a family of four. 10.
However, when you think that some municipal supplies do not meet safety and quality standards, while others may contain unpleasant smells and odors while still conducting consumption tests at a safe level, water may
In this case, it is a good idea to filter your water.
Read on and learn about the various types of water filter systems.
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