
Lvyuan Industrial Filtration Solution

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Main components of small reverse osmosis pure water machine

by:Lvyuan      2022-04-13
The reverse osmosis membrane system of the small reverse osmosis water purifier is a cost-effective purification method that removes more than 98% of ions, organic matter and 100% of microorganisms (theoretically) in raw water at one time. The ultra-purification post-treatment system further removes trace ions, organics and other impurities remaining in reverse osmosis pure water through a variety of integrated technologies to meet the water quality index requirements for different purposes. The small reverse osmosis pure water machine mainly adopts the pretreatment process and reverse osmosis system for the treatment of pure water and waste water in the food industry, electronic industry, chemical industry, and the raw water in the pretreatment system is filtered through PP filter element (sand rod filter), activated carbon unit, After the pretreatment system such as the water softener unit, the content of suspended solids (particulate matter), colloids, organic matter, hardness, microorganisms and other impurities in the water is greatly reduced, so as to reduce the processing load of the subsequent reverse osmosis, electric desalination and other finishing systems. prolong its service life. The main components of the small reverse osmosis pure water machine: 1. The use of quartz sand multi-media filter, the main purpose is to remove the sediment, manganese, rust, colloidal substances, mechanical impurities, suspended solids and other particles contained in the water that are more than 20UM harmful to the human body substance. The automatic filtration system adopts imported Fleck controller, which can automatically perform a series of operations such as backwashing and positive washing. At the same time, the equipment has a self-maintenance system with low operating costs. 2. The activated carbon filter is used to remove pigments, odors, and a large number of biochemical organic substances in the water, and reduce the residual chlorine value in the water, pesticide pollution and other pollutants that are harmful to the human body. The automatic filtration system adopts imported Fleck controller, which can automatically perform a series of operations such as backwashing and positive washing. 3. Use cationic resin to soften water, mainly to remove hardness in water. The hardness of water is mainly composed of calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) ions. When the raw water containing hardness ions passes through the resin layer, the Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the water are exchanged and adsorbed by the resin, and at the same time the equivalent mass releases sodium Na+ ions, The water flowing out of the water softener is softened water with hardness ions removed. Thereby effectively preventing reverse osmosis membrane fouling. The system can automatically carry out recoil, forward and so on. And intelligent resin regeneration can be carried out to prolong the service life of the system. 4. Using a 5-micron pore size precision filter to further purify the water, optimize the turbidity and chromaticity of the water. Ensure the water intake requirements of the RO system. The pretreatment process in the reverse osmosis pure water machine is mainly used to filter large particulate matter in the water, absorb odors, etc., and effectively protect the life of the reverse osmosis system.
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