
Lvyuan Industrial Filtration Solution

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(Pleated filter element) What safety precautions should be paid attention to in chlorination operation?

by:Lvyuan      2022-07-07
(Pleated filter element) What safety precautions should be paid attention to in chlorination operation? The safety cap on the chlorine bottle valve should be tightened tightly, and it should not be removed arbitrarily. Careful handling should be carried out during lifting and loading and unloading operations. Before the chlorination operation, use 10% ammonia water to check whether the chlorine bottle is leaking. If white smoke is found, it means that there is chlorine leakage. Do not place chlorinators and chlorine bottles in the sun or near other heat sources. When operating the main chlorine outlet valve of the chlorine bottle, if it is found that the valve core is too tight and difficult to open, it is not allowed to tap with a swivel head, and it is not allowed to use a long wrench to pull hard, so as not to break the valve neck. If it is found that the chlorine gas pipe of the chlorinator is blocked, it must be dredged with a steel wire, and then blow off the sundries with a pump, and must not be rinsed with water. When opening the main chlorine outlet valve of the chlorine bottle, open it slowly for half a turn, and then use 10% ammonia water to check for air leakage. If a large amount of chlorine leakage is found, first of all, the person should be on the upper hand side and immediately organize rescue. Rescuers must wear gas masks, plug the chlorine leaking parts with bamboo sticks, move the chlorine bottle to a nearby water body, and spray with a large amount of tap water (or alkaline water) to dissolve the chlorine gas in the water and drain it into the sewage pipeline. to reduce air pollution. During the chlorination process of the pleated filter element, if the pressure water of the water ejector is suddenly interrupted, the main chlorine outlet valve of the chlorine bottle should be quickly closed. Chlorine bottles in use should be marked with 'in use'; chlorine bottles should be marked with 'empty bottle' after they are used up; newly shipped should be marked with 'full bottle' for easy identification. The bottle requires a special bottle and cannot be mixed. Special tools and gas masks should be prepared in the chlorination room for accidental use. Qualified units should combine the post responsibility system to set up special personnel for full-time chlorination and maintenance.
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