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Strong German amber into water treatment equipment in our country

by:Lvyuan Filter     2021-01-21
Water treatment equipment market in China is mainly divided into domestic enterprises, sino-foreign joint ventures and wholly owned foreign enterprise. Environmental protection equipment production started late, home to small and medium-sized enterprises for many, now faces a low product variety structure, poor quality of backward technology, complete equipment and engineering contracting capacity is low. At present, the domestic enterprises to produce primary, low-end equipment and so on tubing, water pump and fan to give priority to. High profit products such as biofilm and pure water equipment basic monopoly by foreign enterprises. GE, the dow and s&p belong to domestic well-known foreign companies, has a good market reputation.
a few days ago, German amber environmental protection technology co. , LTD formally in German corporate township of taicang, jiangsu province, which strive to occupy in three years China's water treatment equipment market in the first three. As the world's leading water treatment equipment production enterprise, amber products in Germany in 1994 began to enter into our country, after years of development, its grille, sludge thickening and dewatering, filters and other equipment in the 'water industry equipment satisfaction survey' has won recognition.
economic investment, according to expert analysis, the environmental protection market is hot now, among them, the environmental protection equipment manufacturing market is like a big cake on the table, not only domestic companies, but also attract foreign enterprises 'soup'. Germany amber the moving company to China, to reduce the distance with the Chinese customers, with Germany homogeneous products and a full range of pre-market sale of after-sales 'one-stop' services, however, to prevent product is generic, production products still pick up the goods from the headquarters. The industry for its 'thoughtful service' should not feel not general taste.
the cic advisory industry research director Zhang Yanlin pointed out that the local environmental protection equipment enterprises in our country in the next few years will face the threat of a strong foreign enterprises into, however, the threat to a certain extent, to improve the domestic market environment, environmental protection equipment production reversed transmission its transformation, innovation, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses. To do a good job, must first sharpen his device due to China's current environmental causes in high-speed development period, equipment owned escalation.
all in all, the water treatment industry in equipment purchase process of the concept of adhering to the 'all rivers run into sea', eliminate all barriers to technology, actively introduce international advanced enterprise.
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