
Lvyuan Industrial Filtration Solution

MBR membrane

Talking about the current situation and development of water purifier filter element

by:Lvyuan      2022-05-03
As water purifiers are increasingly entering thousands of households, their appearance and internal structure are also undergoing major changes. The filter element is the core component of the water purifier, just like the CPU of a computer, it is the carrier of the filtration capacity of the water purifier. Today, while the main water purifier filter element is fixed, the water purifier operation is basically fixed. Taking the reverse osmosis water purifier as an example, when using a general low-pressure reverse osmosis element, its combination is basically fixed as three pre-filters, reverse osmosis membrane filters, post-filters, booster pumps and pressure barrels. If the main filter element is changed, such as a reverse osmosis water purifier using an ultra-low pressure reverse osmosis membrane filter element, the booster pump can be canceled when the water pressure is suitable, and the pressure tank can also be canceled. Great change. The advancement and development of 3M AP3-1101 water purifier filter element technology is a necessary condition for the water purifier revolution. If there is no hydrophilic membrane filter element, there will be no water purification buckets and portable water purification cups for water dispensers. If there is no With the emergence of low-pressure reverse osmosis membranes, there is no current household reverse osmosis water purifier. User demand is a sufficient condition to promote the development of filter element technology. Looking at the development of water purifiers, the process of continuous generation and updating from pipeline type, table type, under kitchen type, faucet water purifier and other forms is also a process that continuously meets user needs. Process. At present, there are two trends worthy of attention: One is that water purifiers are increasingly integrated and intelligent. The other is represented by the snap-on water purifier. This combination type is simpler, and the user can freely combine and replace the filter element of the water purifier. The pursuit of performance is eternal. People expect water purifier filters to have precise filtration capacity, large flux, low energy consumption, long service life, and affordable prices. For example, the high-flux hydrophilic membrane filter element was born to meet this trend.
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