
Lvyuan Industrial Filtration Solution

MBR membrane

The specific function of the security filter

by:Lvyuan      2022-06-23
Security filters are used to filter fine substances, and are often used for secondary filtration to ensure the accuracy of filtered water quality. The filter element materials of the security filter mainly include sintered filter tube, melt-blown fiber filter element and honeycomb filter element, etc., which can meet the filtration needs of different fluids. Regarding the high request for filtering, the security filter is generated. The biggest difference between the security filter and the general filter is that the filtering intensity is larger. Let us take you to understand the security filter together. The function of the security filter The filter in the water treatment is mainly used behind the multi-media pretreatment filtration. In front of membrane filtration equipment such as reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration. It is used to filter out the fine substances after multi-media filtration to ensure the water quality filtration accuracy and protect the membrane filter element from being damaged by large particles. Different filtration precisions are selected according to different application sites to ensure the precision of the post-water outlet and the safety of the post-stage membrane elements, which can effectively remove suspended solids, rust, etc. in the liquid. The security filter can accept very high filtration pressure. It has a deep mesh structure, so that the slag load of the filter element can reach a certain height. The filter element of the security filter can be manufactured with a few materials, so that it can meet the filtration needs of different fluids. Its volume is relatively small, but the filtering area is very large, and the resistance is also small, and it has a long service life.
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