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MBR membrane

The structure of the PP filter material and operating limit

by:Lvyuan Filter     2021-01-25
PP filter structure of the material and operating limit

PP filter product technical features of high efficiency filter: a continuous melt-blown filter fiber diameter is thin, generally for 5 ~ 30 microns, such fiber entanglement crisscross each other, formed by the aperture less than 40 microns; But the porosity is very high, generally is greater than or equal to 80%, effectively guarantee the filtration precision and flow.

the structure of the PP filter material: material:
filter layer (polyether sulfone membrane PES)
support layer material: polypropylene ( PP) Fiber core and grid
material: polypropylene ( PP)
in the end, the end material: polypropylene ( PP)

PP filter operation restrictions:
the biggest positive pressure drop: in 21 ℃ to 60 psi ( 4. 14bar)
the largest reverse pressure drop: in 21 ℃ to 30 psi ( 2. 07bar)

the maximum operating temperature: 82 ℃, 0. The hot water of 69 bar.

to learn more about filter information can view our company website: http://www. jinglv。 . net /

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