
Lvyuan Industrial Filtration Solution

What role can PP cotton filter element play?

by:Lvyuan      2022-02-06
The PP cotton filter element is different from the general water filter element, its function and performance are more powerful, its filtration precision is high, and the treatment effect is also good. So, what are its characteristics and specific functions? The manufacturer of Lvyuan water filter element summarizes for you in detail as follows: PP cotton filter element is made of polypropylene particles, which are wound and bonded by heating and melting, spinning, traction, and forming. The higher filtration accuracy can reach 1μm. The structure of the filter element is filtered from the outside to the inside. The closer to the inner layer of the filter element, the smaller the pore size and the higher the filtration accuracy. The PP cotton filter element has the characteristics of large flow rate, corrosion resistance, high pressure resistance and low cost. It is mainly used to block large particles such as rust, sediment, and suspended solids in the water. ①The chemical stability of the PP cotton filter element is very good, except that it can be corroded by concentrated sulfuric acid and concentrated nitric acid, it will not chemically react with other various chemical agents. Therefore, it is resistant to acids, alkalis, organic solvents and oils, so there is no need to worry about its own secondary pollution. ②The adhesion of PP cotton filter element does not have the risk of being contaminated by other materials. The adhesion of PP cotton filter element does not need to use other materials, relying on self-adhesion to entangle each other to form filter elements of various sizes. ③PP cotton filter element does not require power supply and pressurization. In the self-adhesive process, a three-dimensional tortuous microporous structure is formed, which has a large specific surface area and a higher porosity. This allows the PP cotton filter element to hold a large amount of dirt, and at the same time allows the water to pass through relatively quickly, without additional pressure boosting devices, which also means that the PP cotton filter element does not require power supply pressure. ④80% of impurities are in the PP cotton filter element to complete the PP cotton multi-layer filter structure, each layer can intercept and store the impurities in the water. The fibers of the outer layer are relatively thick, the fibers of the inner layer are relatively thin, the outer layer is relatively loose, and the inner layer is relatively tight, forming a multi-layer gradient structure. With this multi-layer structure, the dirt holding capacity will be large, and 80% of the impurities filtered by the water purifier are completed in the PP cotton filter element.
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