  1. Lvyuan Filter-Industrial Water Filter Cartridge & Housing Manufacturer Since 2009.


Where is Lvyuan Water Purification Equipment factory located?
The factory of Guangzhou Lvyuan Water Purification Equipment Co., Ltd.has the most advantageous position. Here, the cost of collecting materials and manufacturing and distributing finished pool filter cartridge replacement to customers is minimal. Our factory is located near the source of raw materials. Therefore, we are able to reduce transportation costs, which greatly affects production costs and provides customers with the greatest profit. Skilled and semi-skilled local manpower adds to the efficient operation of our plant.

Lvyuan has been exporting water filter cartridge for years. Lvyuanproduces a number of different product series, including sintered metal filter. Lvyuan water purification equipment has been tested for many times. It has been inspected in terms of acoustical effects, Noise Isolation Class (NIC), and Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC). It is resistant to putridity, acid and alkali, organic or inorganic solvent. The product helps achieve better water purification effect. It can effectively remove all of the harmful substances while at the same time, it will not contaminate the original water source. Customized end cap configurations are available to fit specific requirements

Supported by our professional staff, our team has enough confidence to produce polypropylene filter cartridge 5 micron. Get price!
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