  1. Lvyuan Filter-Industrial Water Filter Cartridge & Housing Manufacturer Since 2009.


Where is Lvyuan Water Purification Equipment located?
The address of Guangzhou Lvyuan Water Purification Equipment Co., Ltd.is available on its website or you can directly contact its staff to inquire more detailed information. Enjoying very convenient location and boasting for its finest-quality water filter replacement cartridges , it has attracted many customers to pay visits. You are welcome to visit the company at any time. Just make a contact in advance, it can arrange the professional staff to pick you up at designated place.

Leading the water filter cartridge industry is the position that Lvyuan stands. Lvyuanproduces a number of different product series, including pp filter. Different manufacturing facilities are needed in the production of Lvyuan filter housing. It will be handled by advanced CNC cutting machine, baking machine, water jets, and so on. It is designed with graded pores to help trap contaminants throughout the entire cross section for improved efficiency. our team has first-class production equipment and a large number of outstanding production staff. It can effectively control filtration precision.

our team has been aspiring to be the most popular titanium filter supplier. Check it!
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